Chrissy’s Home Day Care

Hours: Monday-Friday 6:30 am to 5:30 pm

Each family’s rates are based on a 10-hour day regardless of attendance.



Children are offered the meal, not forced to eat. They are encouraged to try new foods. If the child requires a special diet, parents will need to supply the foods needed. All children will be served meals if they are present during the scheduled meal times. If they miss a scheduled mealtime, then it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure the child is eaten prior to arriving. Infants: Parents are required to supply formula and baby food until the child is one year old. Infants are fed as needed and do not follow the meal schedule below.

Our meal and snack schedule is as follows:

Morning Snack: 8:00-9:00 am

Lunch: 11:20-12:00 am

Afternoon Snack: 3:15-3:45 pm


What to bring for your child

You should ensure your child has the following:

A change of clothing (several if potty training!!)

Diapers, formula/breast milk, & baby food (for infant and toddlers)

Appropriate clothing for the weather, as we like to spend our time outside weather permitting.

What I will provide for your child

I provide all meals/snacks, baby wipes, spit rags, bibs, infant spoons, sippy cups,

Nap mats, and toys.


House Ru les

Please do not bring any items from home (exception of naptime blanket, pillow and stuffed animal; these items will be placed in closet prior to your departure) Items brought from home causes “sharing issues” and on occasion safety issues. So please leave all other items at home or in your vehicle.

All children have a rest time in the afternoon. Infants will nap as needed though out the day.

There is in no physical punishment in my childcare. A child may be removed from the group for a little quiet time/cooling down period of 3-5 minutes.

I cannot accept sick children into my care. If your child becomes ill while in my care, you will be notified and your child will need to be picked up as soon as possible. Your child will not be able to return to daycare until he/she has been symptom free for 24 hours. If your child stays home because of illness he/she needs to be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to daycare.

In the event that we should have to evacuate from the daycare home, you can find us across the street at 345 New Street. I will have my cell phone with me..that number is 610-960-2088.

Payment Due Dates

The following are the payment due dates for 2008

June 27

July 11 & 25

August 8 & 22

September 5 &19

October 3, 17 & 31

November 14 & 28

December12 & 26

If payment is not received by the due date a late fee will apply. A start date outside of the listed pay dates will require payment to be due for all days leading up to the scheduled payday.

A receipt will be provided for your payment(s) upon request. All clients will receive a yearly statement for tax purposes no later than January 31st for the year preceding.

At my daycare, you pay “PER POSITION” which means that the slot is held just for your child & is not based on attendance. There will be NO refunds or adjustments made to your child care fees for any time missed due to illness, holidays or vacation. A place has been reserved for your child that cannot be filled on a short-term basis.

New child enrollment

Should you wish to place your child into my daycare, you will be required to pay a fee of a one week’s tuition in order to secure your slot. No fee will be required if the slot is immediately available, and enrollment begins within one week of interviewing. This fee insures you will have a slot when you are ready to being care. This fee will NOT be applied toward day care tuition.



Holidays off


The following are a list of paid holidays that I am closed.


New Years Day (Jan 1st), President’s (Feb 18th),

Memorial Day (May 26th), Independence Day (July 4th),

Labor Day (Sept 1st), Thanksgiving Day (Nov 27th), Christmas Day (Dec 25th).

Potty Training

We must work together if potty training is going to work. If you are not working with your child at home, I cannot work with them here. Your child will be required to wear pull-ups at my house for sanitary purposes. After they have gone accident free for several days, then we may try the regular underpants.

Please make sure they have enough changes of clothing during this time. Also make sure they are wearing clothes that are easily pulled up or down. No overalls, belts, onesies, or zippers. An elastic waist is the best for kids and gives them a feeling of self-accomplishment when they can pull them up or down by themselves.



I must obtain written permission from a doctor or dentist prior to administering any medication. I must also have written permission from you to administer any medications. Prescription medication is to be brought in its original pharmacy container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or person with prescriptive authority.


Illness and Medication Policy

Please keep your child at home if he/she has:


      *Fever (101F. or higher)

           *Excessive cold and / or cough



*Lice or Nit

    *Discharge from eyes or ears

*Unusual drowsiness

*Persistent or excessive crying

*Communicable diseases (chicken pox, conjunctivitis, pink eye, influenza)

It is our responsibility to do everything possible to prevent contagious infections from spreading to the other children in my care. If your child develops an illness while in my care, they will be isolated from other children and you will be contacted so that you can immediately make arrangements to pick your child up. Your child cannot return until they have been symptom free for 24 hours (this policy will be strictly enforced so we can keep the children as healthy as possible). If your child has been ill over the weekend or is staying home due to illness he/she needs to be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to daycare. Please keep in mind that bringing a sick child to daycare can result in me becoming ill and having to close the daycare for all of the families in care. If your child is ill, please notify me regarding the nature of the illness, especially if it is contagious. I will then notify all families of children known to have been exposed.


Parent’s Responsibility

*Give advance notice if someone other then yourself is to pick up your child. I will need name, and time of pick up and they will need to have a photo ID with them. I will not release your child to anyone without the above information.

*Drop off and pick up your child at scheduled times. If you need to drop off early or pick up late, please call as soon as you know. There will be an additional fee after a small (5-10 minutes) grace period. If no advance notice (minimum 1 hour) is given for late pick up, late fees will begin to accrue at the schedule pick up time.

*Notify me as soon as possible, if your child will not be coming (so we can begin our daily activities).

*You are required to give me a 2week written notice of termination. Payment for the 2-week notice period is due whether or not the child is brought to my daycare.

*Notify me immediately of any contagious illnesses. (See illness and medication policy)

*The contract, enrollment forms and shot records form are due on the first day of daycare.

Our Mutual Responsibilities

*Treat each other and the children with respect. Communicate on a regular basis about your child’s new skills, fears, nutrition, interests and joys.

*Plan together for a consistent program of toilet training at an appropriate age.

*Feel free to discuss any suggestions, concerns, or ideas that will benefit this childcare.

*I operate my childcare in a “family-type” atmosphere. We must work together to raise healthy, happy, well-adjusted children. I have an open door policy, feel free to stop in or call anytime during your child’s day.


What is included for your Child Care Fees?

*Unconditional love and nurturing of your child-priceless


*Family atmosphere

*Craft supplies: crayons, tape, scissors, markers, paint, paper, pipe cleaners, foamies, etc.

*Daily communication on your child’s day

*Nutritious meals and snacks

*Toys, games, puzzles, books, movies, sandbox, house, swing set, strollers, cribs, bedding

*Training for provider: First Aid Certification, CPR Knowledge, Daycare safety, crafts,

Daycare Teachings.

*Utilities: electricity, heat, air conditioning, water, garbage

*Furniture: wear and tear, cleaning, replacing, repairing rips or tears

And the list goes on………………..

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