Provider-Parent Agreement for Christina Weiss’s Daycare

Christina Weiss

Cedar Street

Spring City, PA 19475


The purpose of this contract is to outline the policies and procedures under which I operate as a Daycare Provider. I give the children in my care opportunities to learn in a family like setting with mixed age groups, where they can feel safe and love and can begin to build a positive self-image. Your child will receive quality personal and individualized care in a warm and loving home. Your questions and comments are important so we can achieve the very best experiences for your child.


Child’s Name and Enrollment Information:

I agree to enroll my child (ren) ____________________________________ in

Christina Weiss’s Daycare beginning on ____________________.

My child (ren) will be attending the following days of the week: (please circle)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

My child (ren) will arrive at: ______________. My child (ren) will be picked up by: _____________. I understand that this contract will be in effect until terminated or modified in writing and signed by both parties. Christina Weiss reserves the right to increase rates in January of each year.

The first two weeks of enrollment are considered probationary for everyone; either party may terminate care anytime during that period. After the probationary period, you may terminate this agreement by giving two weeks written notice. I retain the right to terminate this contract immediately in the event of destructive, uncontrollable, or violent behavior of failure to cure non payment within 10 days past due.

Initial_________ Initial__________ Initial_________




Payments: I understand that cash or check is due bi-weekly, in advance, by pickup time on Friday. Specific dates are listed in the handbook. Check should be made payable to Christina Weiss. I agree that the weekly fee for my child (ren) to attend Christina Weiss’s Daycare is __________ per child. I also agree to give at least two weeks written notice should I wish to withdraw my child from day care.


Overtime Fees: I understand an overtime fee of $ 5.00 per 15 minutes, per child, will be charges for late pick up.

Late fees: I understand I will be charged a late fee of $10.00 for late payment. Payment must be brought with child on next business day.

Returned check fee: I understand a fee of $35.00 will be charged for all returned checks in addition to standard late fees. A second returned check would require future payments to be made in cash or money order.

Initial_________ Initial__________ Initial_________


Absences, sick days and Early Departure Days:

In the event that my child leaves early because of illness or any other condition that may affect the health and well being of other attendees or does not attend during his/her scheduled time, I am responsible for paying the time my child would normally attend. If my child is ill, I will call Christina (610-960-2088) as early as possible on the day of illness to let her know my child will no be in attendance that day. I understand that payment is based on the hours I agree to use childcare, no the actual hours of attendance. If I reserve a spot for additional children, or for my child to attend an additional day, I will be charged for that day regardless of actual attendance.

Initial_________ Initial__________ Initial_________


Health and Medication

I agree to furnish Christina Weiss with a signed emergency medical statement on the first day of enrollment. I understand all prescription medications must be in a labeled container with the doctor’s name, date, dose and prescription number. I further understand that I am responsible for filling out a dispensing medication form available to me from Christina Weiss when my child is taking medication. I agree to accept and abide by the guidelines outlined in the handbook regarding exposure and exclusion from daycare.

Initial_________ Initial__________ Initial_________



Holidays/Personal Days:

I understand that Christina Weiss’s Daycare will be closed on the following paid holidays: New Years Day (Jan 1st), President's Day (Feb 18th), Memorial Day (May 26th), Independence Day (July 4th), Labor Day (Sept 1st), Thanksgiving Day (Nov 27th),  Christmas Day (Dec 25th). I also understand that Christina Weiss will take 5  personal (vacation) days per year.

Initial_________Initial__________ Initial_________


I have received and read the current 2008 handbook for Christina Weiss’s Daycare, and agree to comply with all rules and responsibilities stated therein.

Initial_________ Initial__________ Initial_________

This signed copy will be kept and maintained in my child’s file. Christina Weiss will provide me with a copy of this document for my records.


_________________________________ ________________

Parent/Guardian Signature              Date

_________________________________ _______________

Parent/Guardian Signature               Date

_________________________________ ________________

Christina Weiss Signature                   Date

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